Azkarra Metrics

Integration between Azkarra and Micrometer

This section describes how you can configure Azkarra Metrics.

1 Introduction

This project integrates Azkarra and Micrometer a metrics instrumentation library for JVM-based applications.

Azkarra Metrics is available since Azkarra Streams 0.7.0.

2 Configuring

For using Azkarra Metrics, you will first have to include the azkarra-metrics dependency to your project.

  • Maven :

If component-scan is enable, then Azkarra will automatically discover and configure all necessary components.

Then, Azkarra Metrics will only be enable if you configure the azkarra.metrics.enable property into you application.conf file:


azkarra {
  metrics {
    enable = true

3 Micrometer Concepts

Micrometer defines several concepts in order to collect and expose measurements.

3.1 MeterRegistry and Meter

The two main concepts defines by Micrometer are :

  • Meter: The main interface for collecting individuals metrics. Micrometers packs with differents types of Meter (e.g Timer, Counter, Gauge, etc.). Each meter is uniquely identified by its name and dimensions.

  • MeterRegistry : A MeterRegistry is the core component used to create and hold Meters. Depending on the registry that you used, meters can be hold in memory or be published in an external monitoring system (e.g: Graphite, Elastic, Datadog, etc).

Azkarra Streams builds a primary CompositeMeterRegistry that will contain all MeterRegistry registered in AzkaraContext.

Example using GraphiteRegistry:

public class GraphiteMeterRegistryFactory implements Configureable {

	private Conf configs

    public void configure(final Conf configs) {
        this.configs = configs;

    public FileDescriptorMetrics graphiteMeterRegistry() {
		GraphiteConfig graphiteConfig = new GraphiteConfig() {
		    public String host() {
		        return configs.getString("");

		    public String get(String k) {
		        return null;
		MeterRegistry registry = new GraphiteMeterRegistry(graphiteConfig, Clock.SYSTEM, HierarchicalNameMapper.DEFAULT)

3.1.2 MeterRegistryConfigurer

Azkarra allows you to automatically apply some customizations on registered MeterRegistry.

Any component that implements the MeterRegistryConfigurer interface is applied on supported MeterRegistry during the AzkarraContext initialization.

The interface:

 * Copyright 2019 StreamThoughts.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.streamthoughts.azkarra.metrics.micrometer;

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;

 * Interface that is used to configure a specific type of {@link MeterRegistry}.
 * Any component that implements this interface will be applied on the supported {@link MeterRegistry} during
 * the {@link io.streamthoughts.azkarra.api.components.ComponentFactory} initialization.
 * @see MeterRegistryFactory
 * @see MicrometerMeterRegistryConfigurer
 * @param <T>   the meter registry type.
public interface MeterRegistryConfigurer<T extends MeterRegistry> {

     * Applies this configurer to the given meter registry.
     * @param meterRegistry the {@link MeterRegistry} to configure.
    void apply(final T meterRegistry);

     * Checks whether this configurer supports the given meter registry type.
     * @param meterRegistry a {@link MeterRegistry}.
     * @return boolean      {@code true} if the meter registry is supported.
    default boolean supports(final T meterRegistry) {
        return true;


 * Adds common tag `azkarra.version` on all meters.
public class VersionTagRegistryConfigurer implements MeterRegistryConfigurer {

    public void apply(final MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {
        meterRegistry.config().commonTags("azkarra.version", AzkarraVersion.getVersion());

3.2 MeterFilter

Micrometer allows you to configure meter filters on MeterRegistry in order to control over how and when meters are registered (see: MeterFilter).

Any component that implements the MeterFilter interface will be applied to all registries.

public class MeterFilterFactory {

     * Deny all metrics starting with jvm.
     * @return {@link MeterFilter}
    MeterFilter jvmDenyFilter() {
        return MeterFilter.denyNameStartsWith("jvm");

3.3 MeterBinder

Micrometers provides several built-in binders to monitor the JVM, caches, ExecutorService, etc.

Azkarra allows you to easily enable some of them through configuration.

3.3.1 Configuring binders

Kafka Streams

Azkarra Metrics provides the MeterKafkaStreamsInterceptor class that is responsible to configure and register the KafkaStreamsMetrics binder for each running Kafka Streams instance.

A tag application_id is added to each metrics.

MeterKafkaStreamsInterceptor, will only be enable if you configure the metrics.binders.kafkastreams.enable property.


azkarra {
  metrics {
    binders.kafkastreams.enable = true


Azkarra Streams can also registered the JVM metrics binders for you if you enable the metrics.binders.jvm.enable property.

The JVM metrics binders provides several JVM metrics on classloaders, memory, garbage collection, threads, etc.


azkarra {
  metrics {
    binders.jvm.enable = true

3.3.2 Adding custom binders

You can easely add a new binder by registering it as a component. Azkarra Metrics will automatically retrieve all registered components of type MeterBinder.


 * Get file descriptor metrics gathered by the JVM.
public class FileDescriptorMetricsBinderFactory {

    public FileDescriptorMetrics fileDescriptorMetrics() {
        return new FileDescriptorMetrics();

4 Prometheus Endpoint

Azkarra Metrics provides a REST extension to expose all registered metrics via the /prometheus endpoint.


azkarra {
  metrics {
    endpoints.prometheus.enable = true

  server {
  	rest.extensions.enable = true

N.B : Azkarra server must configured with REST extensions enable for the prometheus endpoints being accessible.

Last modified May 12, 2020: fix(site): fix some typos (bde9eb94)